I'm going to practice.

Come with me!

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I have been involved in various martial arts for more than thirty years. I started with karate, and after five years of practice I came across aikido. I practiced both for one and a half years. Later, as karate training moved far away, I stopped and started a second aikido training in addition to the existing one. Since 2009 I have been training adults and children in Budapest and Albertirsa.


doing Ikkyo

Aikido is a Japanese martial art, based on the natural laws of the circle and the spiral, which is based on rather complicated techniques of very complex techniques. It is based on the principle of non-resistance; it functions primarily as a system of education and peacemaking, and with the help of a partner an opportunity for people to study themselves. The discovery of Aikido, practised under the ideas of Master Shoji Nishio, is a new opened up a new perspective for me.


a posotion from qigong

The practice of chikung is nothing more than discovering something that has always been around us, only we have not noticed it because of the way we have lived our lives. we have not really experienced it. Its practices implement the yin-yang principle in many ways: they bring together the outside and the inside, the softness and strength, down and up, closed and open, slow and fast. Meanwhile, your mind becomes calmer, your sense of self and your awareness of yourself and your environment gradually becomes more refined. In a hectic world, this is a safe, calm point, that I knew at first sight I needed to practice.

Ken & Jo

sword fight

Practicing with weapons is like painting techniques with a brush in your hand. The sword always faithfully shows the position of the hand and direction, while the stick opens up new dimensions of distance management. Improved Aikido based on the ideas of Master Nishio techniques are based on the use of weapons (sword, stick). The techniques are not aimed at the destruction of the partner, but at the continuous control of the partner. the opponent, allowing the attack to be completed without injury and thus to stay alive. Master Nishio's vision - and also and the title of his book - is Yurusu Budo, or "the forgiving martial art". The techniques he has created are all based on this idea, while keeping in mind the real value of fighting.


one hand holding a nunchaku

Nunchaku is a masterful method of practicing circular arcs and spiral movements. A truly complex and sophisticated system of movements in which with emphasis on momentum, timing, direction and speed. Connecting to a fast moving weapon is a challenge, which is why this develops coordination, reflexes, concentration and focus, as well as strengthening the arms and wrists, and increasing the speed and agility. The sound of the chain tool tells you whether or not the movement is in the ideal arc.


a man warming up

Warming up is one of the most important parts of training. It helps me to prepare and tune up for the workout, and to avoid avoid injuries. It ensures agility, flexibility and maximum mobility; for me, it is one of the key elements of a healthy lifestyle. key element of a healthy lifestyle.

Training philosophy


I am aware that if I want to improve in aikido, I must first of all practice aikido itself. However, I believe, that learning other forms of movement will help my development.


I stick to the principles of aikido in my training, focusing on technical preparation and less on violence. Also, the real-life usability of the techniques is important.


I prefer to study the same exercise in depth over several training sessions rather than doing many different exercises at once. A weapon drills are a synonym for training.


I like to analyse a technique in parts and then put it back together again, because this way the same technique can be understood and mastered more deeply. aikido based on the same basic movements. I believe that a precise knowledge of the basics is essential, as it provides a solid base for later development.


I don't attach great importance to rigid hierarchies: I'm a believer in practising together, where everyone can learn from each other. From mistakes we learn from mistakes, and I learn from those who practice with me.


Real value is not determined by price, but by what it delivers. For me, it's not about making a living, I have a full-time job that allows us to to make a living; sport is more of a vocation and passion than a source of livelihood.